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Joy For Ministry exists to walk alongside pastors' wives and women in ministry. We are committed to speaking the truth about ministry while offering resources and support to help you thrive.

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The untold truth about ministry.

Was I supposed to feel this alone?  Were people supposed to be so critical?  Was I supposed to feel like I was not good enough or involved enough?  And why did no one tell me it was going to be like this?


At Joy For Ministry we want to walk alongside you as you seek the answers to your questions.  We want to support you and through other women's experience help you to grow and thrive.  You are not alone. 


18 years ago I was a young youth pastor's wife.  I had no idea what being a pastor's wife meant or what it would entail.  So when I wasn't blissfully happy in this new church, new marriage, and new role I thought there was something wrong with me.  I couldn't tell anyone else who was in ministry.  That would be humiliating.  And if they didn't feel the same way it would confirm my fears.  I was alone.  

I wished I had someone who understood to help me through.  So here I am - 18 years later and my desire to help other women in ministry has taken over my life.  That is why I started Joy for Ministry.  My husband and I have gone through many things over these years.  More recently we are healing over a deep church hurt.  But out of that hurt, God brought redemption and beauty.

I know the pain of ministry... but I also know the joy.  

My prayer is that you come to this site, find community, and be encouraged that you are not alone.  I want to pray for you.  I want you to know that - yes that painful feeling is normal.  That sometimes being in ministry is really tough.  And that sometimes something big happens to show you that it is all worth it a million times over.  

If you are a pastor's wife, married to someone in ministry, in ministry yourself, want to start a ministry, been hurt by a ministry, or even kicked out of a ministry - this site is for you.  

Welcome.  I am glad you are here.  I want to be friends.

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Is there a particular subject you would like to see addressed in the blog?  Do you need advice or encouragement on something specific?  Please click the "Ask Joy" button to submit.  We don't have all the answers.  But I promise you that we will always be honest.  We want this to be a place that is truthful, not preachy, and where we share the hard stuff that most people don't think they can’t talk about.


A unique and powerful journal for pastors' wives and women in ministry that will inspire and empower you. Every day has a special word of strength and encouragement that pushes you to grow in your walk. This will take you on a journey of working through the challenges of ministry, seeing God in them, and finding strength to thrive. Remember, He will validate your life. He will stamp you with approval.

God is FOR you! 


Let us help you care for your team!

What does JFM offer churches?

  • Care for pastoral families so their service to the church is more sustainable

  • The confidence that we are encouraging people to thrive in the marathon of ministry

  • A neutral environment (ie safe place) where Women in Ministry and Pastors' Wives can find support that will not undercut their relationship with their church

  • An opportunity to develop healthy staff families and retain said families longer 



Click the request info button below to find out how we can serve you!



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Ephesians 5:29

no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church

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​  2021 JFM Ministries

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